Here are some comments on an aviation video I have. I've taken the liberty of rating each video with 4 stars being the best. **** SR-71 BLACKBIRD The Secret Vigil Aviation Week Video (c) 1989 (approx 1 hour) This may be the best video available on the Blackbird! Very good footage of the planes as well as the preperation of the crew and the aircraft for the flights. Video contains a brief review of the U-2 and other planes developed by the "Skunk Works". The A-12 and YF-12 are also mentioned. Contains an interesting discussion of the J-58 engine which runs like a ramjet at high speed. Photographic capability is reported as being good enough to count the shoe laces from pictures taken at 80,000'! Brief glimpses of the cockpit and intrument panels are included (one shot shows an altimeter reading of 75,100 and still climbing). Former MiG-25 pilot Viktor Belenko talks about the Soviet impressions of the Blackbird and their dismay that they could not shoot it down with anything they had. My impression of the Blackbird is that it has to be flown and operated by crews that are extremely detail oriented and who will follow the flight plan to the letter. No hot-dogging or joyriding allowed! Perhaps the only part of the film I feel they could have left out are some short "commercials". However if the production of videos like this one require funding by companies that want their name mentioned, then I can't complain. If I could afford to buy only one video on this plane, this is the one I would buy!